Sue’s Story

Midwifes note: Sue is a second time mom with 15 years between her babies.
Sue’s Story:
In the process of trying to find a midwife, I simply asked around, then looked at the options in the phone book. I prayed that God lead me in this decision. I called the first one listed, and no one answered. I called the second one and on the other end of the line was a warm, welcoming voice. After our conversation, I knew without a doubt that I had found the person I wanted to deliver my baby.
When Judith and Shay came for my first appointment, I felt like I had been reunited with long, lost family members. I was comfortable with them right away. I looked forward to them coming back for my check ups. It was never a mundane visit that fell into the same routine like in a doctors office. I was given plenty of time to talk or ask questions about any concerns that my husband or I had. They are both very knowledgeable in their field.
I feel like there were so many benefits of having had a home birth. I loved the fact that Judith and Shay came to me for prenatal visits. It doesn’t get any more convenient than that. I also was very appreciative of the fact that I didn’t get poked and prodded on a monthly basis like you do in a conventional setting. Lastly, when it comes down to giving birth, you have the opportunity of being in the comfort of your own home.
I had delivered in a hospital with my first child, so I can honestly say that I feel that Judith was much more in touch with what was going on with mother and baby by sight, touch and sound without all the equipment than any doctor can tell with it. Without hesitation, I give Judith and Shay an outstanding recommendation.
My husband’s two cents 😉
I enjoyed the whole experience with Judith. I found it to be very personable, for me, my wife and child and an overall amazing journey. I felt Judith was very in tune with my wife. I also felt she sought out guidance to make good decisions, through the Lord. If I had to do it all over again, I would chose the same route with our midwife. May God bless you and your child with your own special experience.